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What We Do

Programs & Services

Down Payment Assistance

(Programa para Asistencia de Enganche)

A great opportunity for low to moderate income first-time home buyers!

Pima County Community Land Trust’s Down Payment Assistance Program helps you get into a home in Tucson and Pima County. This grant can be used towards a down payment and closing costs, and our Hud-Certified Housing Counselors will help you every step of the way!

En Español

¡Una gran oportunidad para compradores de vivienda por primera vez con ingresos bajos a moderados!

El Programa de Asistencia para el Pago Inicial del Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias del Condado de Pima lo ayuda a obtener una casa en Tucson y el Condado de Pima. ¡Esta subvención se puede utilizar para el pago inicial y los costos de cierre, y nuestros asesores de vivienda certificados por Hud lo ayudarán en cada paso del camino!

Down Payment Assistance

  • PCCLT offers down payment and closing costs assistance programs designed to educate and counsel *first-time, low and moderate income homebuyers in purchasing an affordable home. The availability of assistance depends upon funding opportunities at the time.
  • If home purchased is sold or transferred during the Period of Affordability, DPA principal amount loaned is due.

Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) - Coming soon!

HOME funds are allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to Pima County as a member of a HOME Consortium with the City of Tucson. HOME funds assist low income families with affordable housing through new construction, housing rehabilitation and down-payment assistance. Developers of affordable housing (include homeownership and rental) may apply for HOME funds as gap for projects that meet the both HUD and the Consortium’s criteria.

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) are certified by the Consortium to develop affordable housing for the communities they serve and may be eligible to receive funding for the purpose of developing projects.

Funds can be used toward down payment and/or closing costs.

*Cannot be a current homeowner.

En Español

Asistencia para el pago inicial

PCCLT ofrece programas de asistencia para el pago inicial y los costos de cierre diseñados para educar y asesorar a los compradores de vivienda por primera vez, de ingresos bajos y moderados, en la compra de una vivienda asequible. La disponibilidad de asistencia depende de las oportunidades de financiamiento en ese momento.

Si la vivienda comprada se vende o transfiere durante el Período de asequibilidad, se debe pagar el monto principal prestado por DPA.

Programa WISH (Subsidio de la Iniciativa de la Fuerza Laboral para la Propiedad de Vivienda)

El programa WISH trabaja con socios bancarios locales para proporcionar una combinación de cuatro a uno para ahorros de hasta $7,500, ganando $30,000 adicionales en fondos de contrapartida.

Los fondos se pueden utilizar para el pago inicial y/o los costos de cierre.

* No puede ser un propietario actual.

Les doy las gracias por la ayuda que me proporcionaron. Dios los bendiga siempre. Mi familia también estamos muy agradecido con todos ustedes de antemano. Muchas gracias!” - Sandra C.

Home-Buyer Education

This program satisfies the HUD requirement for the home buyer counseling program.

Through the Home-buyer education, you will understand the importance of managing your money; why credit is key; how lenders qualify you for a loan; the role of a realtor; the closing process and much more. Classes are online so you can do them at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.

Financial Counseling

PCCLT financial coaches provide expertise and guidance to you as you set and work towards your financial goals. We will help you assess your financial situation and make a realistic plan for progress. Once we have drafted an action plan with you, we will provide you with ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability. We will also provide you with the tools you need to make informed decisions along the way. 

Financial coaching goals: 

  • Increased goal attainment
  • Better money management skills
  • Improved savings, lower debt levels, and better credit scores
  • More financial confidence
  • Increased financial well-being

Credit Counseling

PCCLT offers confidential, low-cost credit counseling. Our specially trained counselors help you understand your credit rating and make a plan to improve your credit score and credit-worthiness. 

We provide your credit scores and a Tri-Merge credit report—an easy-to-read report from Equifax, Experian, and Transunion—that combines information about all of your credit accounts in one place.

The cost for your credit report and credit analysis is $33.50

To get started, complete and submit the form below.

Homeowner Services

Housing Stability Counseling Program (HSCP):

(Under American Rescue Plan Act)

  • Pre-Purchase Counseling
  • Credit Counseling
  • Budget Counseling
  • Foreclosure/Default Counseling

Purpose is to support delivery of housing counseling services to households facing housing Instability such as eviction, default, foreclosure, or loss of income that caused or could cause eviction, default, foreclosure, or homelessness.

Mortgage Delinquency / Default Resolution Counseling

PCCLT assists homeowners who are delinquent or have defaulted on their mortgage. We offer assistance and support in applying for and securing loan modifications. These services prevent homeowners from losing their homes to foreclosure. We also help homeowners with forbearance issues.

Post-Purchase Counseling

Once you have purchased a home, our post-purchase/non-delinquency education and counseling can help you navigate life as a homeowner. 

Common issues our counselors can help you deal with include:

  • Avoiding predatory lending and other attractive traps of available credit as a homeowner;
  • Understanding common credit problems that could lead to delinquency and foreclosure;
  • Creating a realistic budget to lay a solid financial foundation;
  • Understanding property taxes and insurance; and
  • Protecting and maintaining your home.
  • Finding funding to do home repairs/improvements