Since 2010, PCCLT has acquired, rehabilitated, and resold 100+ single-family homes to low-moderate income families.
In recent years, we have expanded our development to include building affordable income-based rental and homeownership projects in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods.
Riverview Project
In 2021, PCCLT built five 3 bed-2 bath single-family homes in El Rio Acres for sale under the Community Land Trust model of homeownership.
Sonora Project
In 2019, PCCLT entered a partnership with AHCCCS to rehabilitate 4 studio units in Barrio Hollywood for affordable rental by low income families.
Ontario Project
In 2017, PCCLT was awarded a grant from the City of Tucson's HOME program to build six 3 bed-2 bath single family homes in Barrio Hollywood for affordable rent.
Barrio Anita Project
Featured: vacant lot and renderings by Cuadro Design.
Barrio Anita - Coming Soon!
Pima County Community Land Trust has been awarded a $185,000 grant from the National Fair Housing Alliance's Inclusive Communities Fund Grant program to help people access equitable housing opportunities and promote stable, healthy, viable communities.
We are pleased to receive this grant award and put it towards the development of single-family workforce housing to maintain pockets of affordability near downtown neighborhoods, specifically Barrio Anita. This investment creates meaningful impact for seniors and young families as well as cultural preservation of this historical neighborhood.
THANK YOU to the National Fair Housing Alliance for selecting us to prioritize safe and affordable housing & investing in our community to create inclusive and healthy neighborhoods!
NFHA Inclusive Communities funds are a significant addition toward development of Barrio Anita, are valuable in leveraging additional funds, and will make a substantial impact on our ability to help Latino and Black families access homeownership opportunities.
As the City of Tucson undergoes a rapid growth and change, there is increased gentrification in the older neighborhoods surrounding downtown Tucson, followed by displacement as housing costs move out of reach of affordability. Through PCCLT’s City-funded Cafecito community outreach project, Barrio Anita residents advocated for an affordable housing project in their community. The “Barrio Anita Casitas” project, is a uniquely focused effort to affect long-term change in a specifically targeted area.